Rebekah May Harmann

Certified Mindfulness Life Coach

services offered




Resource Page for Parents

blue sky
Boy Doing a Cartwheel

Get outdoors into fresh air

Take a walk, play a game, ride a bike, swim, fly a kite, roller-skate, plant a tree.

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yoga and pilates breathing icon

Breath Together

Do box breathing together

breath in for count of 4, hold for count of 4, breath out for count of 4, repeat.

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Little Girl Character Practising Yoga Seating and Breathing Illustration

Meditate daily

Sit quietly together for 1-5 minutes depending on attention abilities

Coaching for Parents

If you're a parent facing challenges, life coaching can offer a helpful solution. It has the potential to enhance relationships, reduce stress, and boost your confidence. Through working with a coach, you can gain valuable insights and tools to excel in all areas of life, including self-care and pursuing your aspirations. The experience can be transformative, empowering you to achieve your goals and enjoy a more fulfilling life.


Coaching for Kids

Have you thought about hiring a personal life coach for your child? They can help your child develop vital life skills such as self-awareness, confidence, and resilience. A life coach can also assist with goal-setting, time management, decision-making, and provide guidance during challenging situations. This type of mentorship can truly help your child unlock their full potential and lead a more fulfilling life.

Coaching for groups

By joining a group coaching program, you can enjoy numerous benefits. It can provide you with the necessary support, learning opportunities, and accountability, which can lead to your personal and professional growth. You will get the chance to enhance your communication skills, develop your leadership abilities, and foster stronger teamwork.

about me

Welcome! As a children's life coach, it is my duty to empower kids to thrive and unlock their full potential. My commitment to working with young individuals is unwavering, and I strive to equip them with the essential tools to conquer obstacles, enhance their self-esteem, and achieve their ambitions. I firmly believe that each child possesses unique talents and abilities, and my objective is to help them discover and refine these strengths. My coaching sessions provide a secure and nurturing environment where children can freely express themselves, explore their interests, and acquire invaluable life skills. Let's collaborate to ensure your child becomes the best version of themselves!

Copyright © Empower Kids Mindfulness School 2023.